sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Armchair Tourism

Can you recognize any of these photographs?

Can you associate them with any particular place? Which?
They are landmarks. They are places easily recognized.
The Taj Mahal and Mao Zedong’s monument are mausoleums. They are big monuments where people are buried.
The Taj Mahal, the Statue of Liberty, the Cabildo … are symbols. They have existed for a very long time. They are enduring symbols.

Have you seen this logo? It stands for Street View from Google. With Street View you can explore landmarks with 360-degree images. You can make virtual tours.

Now listen to a report. It is called Armchair Tour. You will listen to some words first:
enduring: long-lasting
first-hand: for oneself (if you experience something first-hand, you do it yourself)
virtual: not physically existing but created by computer to appear similar to reality
landmark: a place that is easily recognised
mausoleum: a building in which the bodies of dead people are buried

Listen to ‘Armchair Tourism’ on Audioboo


Listen to the report again, making a pause after each sentence and repeat it.
Student A: somebody who would like to have some information about the Taj Mahal but cannot afford the trip to India.
Student B: a friend who has visited the Google Street View page and recommends this service.
Make a 2 minute speech and give your opinion about what is announced in the report.
Answer these questions.
1.- Why is the Taj Mahal famous?
2.- Where is it situated?
3.- Who is Google associated with in this case?
4.- Is this the first time Google is working there?
5.- “The mausoleum is catching up with the 21st. century”. Explain.
Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from the news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.
enduring / first-hand / virtual / landmark / mausoleum
1. These figures pay testament to the quality, vibrancy and __________ popularity of the London stage, which, despite a difficult economic climate, continues to pull in the crowds thanks to the world-class entertainment on offer and inclusive pricing structures.
2.  After the church service, Mr Achebe was buried in a __________ on the family compound in a private ceremony.
3.  A $22 (£14) investment in the __________ currency Bitcoin four years ago has brought a Norwegian man an unexpected windfall of about $850,000.
4.  It is one of London's most iconic __________, which tourists - and Londoners - flock to every day. Now, in 2014, it has reached its 120th anniversary.

5.  Gerry White, who manages a pub near Belfast city centre, says that while there are signs of business picking up, he has seen __________ the financial impact of the unsettled times over the past year.

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