domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Galería de Alicia2032

1 playing drums_0012 playing drums_0013 for sale notice_0014 market_0015 conscious spending_0016 landmark sierra sky rental_001
7 etopia message board_0018 etopia travel and wind fan_0019 poetry corner_00110 newspaper stands_00111 train station_00112 etopia community center & humane education_001
13 education panels_00114 art gallery_00115 cafeteria_00116 cohousing_00117  ringing the bell_00118 looking through a window_001
19 overview_00120 view of the sea_001Second LifeSL Net-LearningSL entradaSL Lecture
La galería de Alicia2032 en Flickr.
Etopia Eco Village Second Life 

Tarea: Video Módulo 5

Tarea Colaborativa Grupo 4

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